Waiting… will never get the credit it deserves in the theaters in terms of ticket sales and critic reviews. I haven’t read a single positive review yet and, really, I don’t expect to. It’s not a flick that’s going to go over well with the “professional” critic. Give it another 5-10 years, though, I’m sure you’ll be hearing all of those same critics tell you exactly what I’m about to tell you today. Waiting… is the funniest movie I’ve seen in several years!

Alright, there’s not much to the story. There’s a group of waiters, cooks, and hostesses that all work at this restaurant, Shenanigan’s, and movie goes through what their basic day is like with one of the characters going through the “what am I doing with my life” thing. Simple. Ryan Reynolds is really the centerpiece in this flick. He’s a damn riot in every film he does and that doesn’t change here as the one-liner quick comeback smartass delivered in his own signature way. An absolute scene stealer. All of the other characters have their own personalities, but when it comes down to it, they really add fuel to Ryan’s character, Monty. Anna Faris as Serena is hot as all hell and that definitely hurts nothing. When introduced to Dane Cook‘s character, Floyd, we get one of the most memorable line in the movie. “Welcome to thunderdome bitch!”
The flick is just oozing with absolutely ridiculous lines and scenes that we’re all going to be remembering and repeating for years to come. How many times have you referenced Spatula City from UHF, or the 37 dicks sucked from Clerks, or the red stapler from Office Space? You’re gonna do the same for penis game from Waiting…. When walking home, all I could do was replay the gut busting scenes in my head and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud again.
Director/writer Rob McKittrick‘s first outing I can’t wait to see what he’s going to follow this up with. I can see this becoming a lot like the View Askew universe with several movies with recuiring actors. He definitely needs to work with Ryan Reynolds and Dane Cook again. Hurry up and bring something else out!

Waiting… is destined to join the ranks of the modern day comedy cult film stardom and sit right up there beside flicks like Office Space, Mallrats, High Fidelity, PCU, Tommy Boy, UHF, Clerks, and so on and so forth. It’s rough, rude, non-apologetic, and (I have to say it again because I can’t emphasize it enough) simply the funniest movie I’ve seen in years. Go now!