He was the uncle that just wouldn’t stop talking. You’d get annoyed after a while, but knew you still loved him and would always make you laugh again. As funny as he was, it’s his more dramatic roles that are etched in my memory. Good Will Hunting, Insomnia, Dead Poets Society, and even One Hour Photo. But, hell, who doesn’t love a little Good Morning Vietnam? Robin Williams is one of those people you don’t know how much you’ll miss until he’s gone. RIP
Author Archives: Rich
A’s Game
Alamo Star Trails
Backyard Star Trails
Heading Up On This
The Stanley Cup is Ours!!!
Great series! Incredibly insane closing game! Anyone who’s been a life long fan knows that first Cup was just the sweetest gift to us, but this one feels pretty damn emotional too. It’s great to be at the top of the NHL mountain. Go Kings go!!!
Quick Shutout!
A Quick shutout and one more game to go! Go Kings go!!